Action for Botton

"Action For Botton is a network of friends and professionals who know Botton well, admire their values and way of living together, determined to support and find support for Botton now". Presnts one view of Botton Village's future; for the alternative see entry for Camphill Village Trust in this directory.


Advance: a registered provider of social housing; a charitable organisation, specifically an Industrial Provident Society; provides housing and support for adults with learning disabilities or mental health conditions.

Advice Now

Advice Now is an independent not-for-profit website: provides accurate helpful information on rights and legal issues for the general public

All Party Parliamentary Group on Learning Disability (APPGLD)

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Learning Disability (APPGLD) is a group of MPs and peers from all political parties who are interested in issues that affect people with a learning disability and their families.


Association for Real Change (ARC UK): established 'to promote the quality of life, maintenance of standards and diversity of provision for people with a learning disability'; membership comprises various organisations, care providers and stakeholders; offers some useful resources for individual carers

BBC 1 Letting Go

BBC One - Letting Go: BBC1 TV documentary following Rosa Monckton and her daughter as she left school and took her first steps into a more adult world. Information and Support on Transition.

BBC Ouch!

BBC - Ouch! BBC site features blogs, podcasts, news, talk and more; explores the disability world in blog posts and a monthly internet radio talk show; offers large archive


bibic is a national charity offering practical help to families caring for children with conditions like autism, Asperger's, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, developmental delay, brain injury, and specific learning difficulties like ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia.


British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) wants people with learning disabilities to be valued equally, participate fully in their communities, and be treated with dignity and respect

Cerebral Palsy Group

Cerebral Palsy Group is an online resource for anyone who has been affected by cerebral palsy, brain injuries, or birth injuries.
It was created to serve the individuals and families who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). Its aim is to provide information and support, by making resources and education available to those affected by CP.

It collates and researches the most up-to-date information and resources available e.g. by monitoring medical journals, medical literature, trusted medical websites and peer-reviewed articles.