Care Quality Commission: home page of the CQC. Entry point to find inspection reports of local authority services, and registered care providers

CQC LD Reports

Care Quality Commission, Latest Learning Disability Reports: CQC Reports from a targeted programme of unannounced inspections (initiated in 2013), of hospitals and care homes that care for people with learning disabilities. Inspection Reports are published here.


Demos is a leading cross-party think-tank publishing original research and supporting innovative thought with the aim of promoting policy debate. In 2013-14 Demos is hosting a new Commission into the future of residential care...

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK was formed in 2012 through a unification of Disability Alliance, Radar and National Centre for Independent Living. Disability Rights UK works to create a society 'where everyone with experience of disability or health conditions can participate equally as full citizens'. Publishes an excellent range of resources, including its annual Disability Rights Handbook.

Disabilty Law Service

The Disability Law Service (DLS): began in 1975 as a volunteer organisation, and is now a professional organisation, still run by disabled people; 'hopes to demystify the legal system by giving concise and timely legal advice and information'

DoH Social Care Bulletin Archive

Archive, created June 2013, of DoH's Social Care Bulletin; searchable archive of news items, policy developments, and reports on social care

Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA)

Down's Syndrome Association (DSA): aims to create the conditions that all people with Down's syndrome need to live full and rewarding lives

DWP (Carers and Disability Benefits)

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) - 'Financial help if you're disabled': entry point for up-to-date official information on carers and disability benefits

Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC): excellent source of information on human rights and discrimination legislation

FPLD Forums

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (FPLD): entry point to online forums and networks; massive resource of news, advice and opinions