The Centre for Welfare Reform has now (Nov 2015)  published a critical review of  Maria Lyons’ research on Camphill, as a discussion paper.

Maria LyonsMaria published her Discussion Paper ‘RE-THINKING COMMUNITY CARE: THE CAMPHILL VILLAGE MODEL. A Critical Appraisal’ under the auspices of the Camphill Research Network.



The report can be access via the Centre for Welfare Reform website  , or downloaded from the Camphill Research Newwork website.

If you are aware of the Camphill movement and its communities, or have been following news of proposed or actual changes at some of those communities (notably Botton Village), then this paper will make interesting reading. It is not a light read, but at the end of it you will have a fuller understanding of the ‘issues’ behind the current debate over the future direction of the Camphill movement. (You may also be tempted to explore the Centre for Welfare Reform and Camphill Research Network websites).