CQC is a joke… But it’s no laughing matter!

Rescare Editorial: The following article appeared in the latest (May 2012) edition of Rescare’s magazine, and appears here with the kind consent of its author. CQC is a joke… But it’s no laughing matter! Two Care Quality Commission whistleblowers dramatically and independently came forward at the eleventh hour to give evidence to the Mid Staffordshire […]

Rosa Monckton

Rosa Monckton received considerable publicity in March of 2012, through her BBC television documentary and associated press coverage, by raising the plight of aging and elderly carers, and that of those they care for. A summary may be found here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2119954/Huge-response-Rosa-Moncktons-e-petition-ensure-lifetime-care-disabled-people.html The petition referred is accessible via this link: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/31475

Charles Henley

We bring to your attention the website of a friend and supporter of Rescare, Charles Henley: http://learningdisabilitiesproblems.co.uk> Charles Henley campaigns against the decline in the provision of day services (e.g. the closure of day-centres). As well as maintaining his website, he has published a book on the issue ‘Learning Disabilities, The Rise and Potential Demise […]