Seeking clarification on ‘a default disability expenditure  allowance’.

I was alerted by a Rescare member to the recently launched Contributions Policy Consultation by Oxfordshire County Council, which “seeks views on proposals that change the way Oxfordshire County Council charges for adult social care services. These services support adults living at home (for example, home care, day care and transport) and in residential care.”

Here is the Council’s webpage on the consultation . I’m still trying to find the time to read and absorb all the information on this and all the pages linked to it.

Helpfully, there was this article on the consultation in Community Care  online on 5th Feb, although I am still struggling to understand all of  of the proposals. In particular, this one: Introducing a default disability expenditure allowance of 25% of disability benefit and no longer providing the allowance to people who do not get disability benefits. People will be able to request an individual assessment if they feel this means their allowance is too low. Where did this phrase ‘default disability expenditure allowance’ come from?!?

Before Christmas Stockport (where my ASD son is in supported living )  launched a consultation on proposals to amend charges for non-residential services. Why do I suspect that Oxfordshire and Stockport are not the only local authities who will consult on social care provision? Anyone know of anywhere else?