I have to admit to my own ignorance with regard to Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). I was reminded of this by an item in a recent newsletter from 39 Essex Street (legal chambers).


This cited the publication of new guidance on ABI published  by the British Association of Social Workers .

Although not a social worker myself, I found much of the guidance informative, and enlightening. ABI is a complex topic, raising particular issues relating to capacity, especially since the effects and symptoms of ABI may be very particular to an individual. ABI tends to make clear the tensions between the aims of the Care Act and the Mental Capacity Act; between people’s right to make their own choices and their capacity to do so. (Damage to the brain’s frontal lobes may for example cause  ‘a lack of forethought/understanding consequences’ or ‘unrealistic ideas of one’s own ability’).

I found the guidance a good introduction to the issues surrounding ABI (though it steers clear of the medical side of things). It also includes a list of resources and contacts for anyone needing more information or advice.

I now also note that Brain Injury Week , which aims to promote awareness of ABI, is approaching…

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